
A poem about honesty.

Judith Uusi-Hakimo
1 min readMar 14, 2023


A man holding a small statue of “Justice of Peace” on the table.
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk: https://www.pexels.com/photo/fashion-man-people-woman-8111822/

There once was a man who did say
That honesty’s the only way
The truth can be hard
But it will guard
From any horrid dismay.

He’d share his opinion unashamed
No matter what other people claimed
Authenticity’s worth
Honesty’s mirth
For it brings wisdom untamed.

It’s a lesson we must hold dear
We’ll find freedom when we have no fear
The truth is clear and pure
No one should endure
A life of lies and sheer despair.

He’d look you in the eye and speak the truth
And trust that you’d do the same for him
It takes courage to view
The world, in its hue
So honesty stands tall and proud like a loon.

To be trusted by those with whom you converse
You must always stay honest without a curse
Your words are your bond
Your character is a weapon
It’s never too late to rehearse.



Judith Uusi-Hakimo

A Nurse by profession. A mother of three and a wife of one. A storyteller and an aspiring writer.