When Two Cultures Collide: Do you Hold on or Let Go of The Relationship?

A question this article may have the answers.

Judith Uusi-Hakimo
3 min readDec 4, 2022
A young couple standing back to back, the male partner has dark skin and the female has fair skin.
Photo by John Diez : https://www.pexels.com/photo/serious-diverse-couple-in-studio-7389004/

When two cultures collide, there are often solid arguments for whether or not to save the relationship.

Some may argue that it is essential to maintain cultural traditions and values to preserve the individual’s identity.

While others may say that having a functional and happy relationship is more important than clinging to cultural traditions that may be harmful or no longer relevant.

There are several factors to consider when deciding whether to save a relationship compromised by cultural differences.

Some of these factors may include the following:

1) The importance of the culture in question to the individual or group.

2) The severity of the conflict between the cultures.

3) The history of the relationship.

4) The willingness and ability of both parties to compromise.

5) The impact of the conflict on the individuals involved.

A person’s culture is integral to their identity and can provide a sense of belonging and shared values. When two cultures collide, it can be challenging to maintain…



Judith Uusi-Hakimo

A Nurse by profession. A mother of three and a wife of one. A storyteller and an aspiring writer.